Monday, May 12, 2014

Body Image Monday - The Intro

My whole life, or at least since I was a teenager, I have struggled greatly with body image issues. I have never been "big," but there were points where I have carried a little more weight that I would like to. Now I'm fighting back against that mindset, that I continually struggle with. We don't have a scale in our house, and I will probably keep it that way, because sometimes that number can be frightening, even if you look perfectly fine as  you are. The number you see on a scale can make distort the image you see in the mirror.

For the majority of the past century our society through the power of media has dictated what should actually be perceived as beautiful, for both men and women. If you don't look like that person on the cover of that magazine, then you aren't doing something right and you should take efforts to fix yourself. That is the message we are being sold. And we buy it, all of us. Because we are told that to be desirable, you have to look like this. Well ya know what? I have belly and my fiance finds me plenty attractive. Oh and even without make-up too!

We spend countless dollars on make-up to hide our flaws. Now I have been very blessed in the skin department. I have great clear skin, the only breaks out every once in awhile. So I know that this is a struggle for many people who have and do have acne, so that I won't comment on. Because, well really I have no right. But for those girls, (and guys) like myself who do have great skin...what the hell are we trying to hide, or amplify. We need to let our beauty speak for itself. Don't get me wrong I love a good lipstick and eye liner, but I personally need to get into the mind set of "I'm doing this because I want to," not because I feel I have to to please everyone around me.

I am all for exercise and clean eating, it does make you feel better, and if your body type needs it, will help you lose weight, or in some cases gain it. I'm also for gussing up using make-up, but not as a life force.

My goal from here on out is for Monday's to be Body Image Monday's. If you have a particular issue you would like to see be discussed let me know. Or a person you think should be spotlit for their efforts for healthy body image, tell me about them. This is a fight we are all in together. Things are getting better, but we all can strive for a little more appreciation for how beautiful people truly are.

So for today, celebrate your body. If you're naturally thin, curvy, whatever your body type. Love yourself, it's the only one you get!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

We're Engaged!

Ok so I stayed off of here this past week, because I have a big mouth! It was really hard for me to keep this a secret...but we're engaged! And really could not be happier! So this weeks highlights are going to be based around engagementy stuff.

1 - Talking to Barbara right after she was told - Her reaction has easily been then best, I am so excited to get to talk wedding stuff with her. Because one, I am clueless, I mean I have ideas and a handy dandy planner but, I have no clue how this works. Also she is officially going to be my sister (in-law) and that makes me even more excited.

2 - My sisters minor panic - My little sister will be my maid of honor. When I called her earlier this week just to talk in general, she was having some what of an anxiety, not necessarily in a bad way, so it was cute. She, like me, has no clue how this will all go down, but we're sisters so we will learn together.

3 - Slowly announcing it at work - I work in a cupcake shop, with a bunch of women, so naturally there was going to be a reaction. The two that I'm closest too freaked out, and it was great.

4 - The ring - The ring was originally his mothers, so when he proposed, it didn't exactly fit. So we had to get it sized. It is now on my finger and looks gorgeous. It meant so much to me that his mother gave him this ring to give to me. Janet and I are very close. I sometimes hear stories about women who don't get a long with their mother-in-law and I love that it is just the opposite with her. She is an amazing woman and mother, so to know that she once wore this ring means the world to me.


5 - Announcing it on Facebook - Holy cow! I did not see that coming. We had a huge out-pouring of love and congratulations from people. It was slightly overwhelming. Personally with our history I think a lot of people, that we went to college with were just excited to see our relationship becoming officially forever.

6 - Engagement Bliss - Is there such a thing? If there is we are definitely in it, and are taking full advantage of this time right now. In a few months we will have to start planning a wedding. So it's nice that for now, we can just be a newly engaged, happy couple.

Thank you to everyone that has given us support this week, and over the crazy years of our relationship. Not everyone gets to meet there person, by the time they are 17, and 19 but I feel so blessed that we are one of those. I love the family that I am officially joining and can't wait for the wedding (in 2+ years) to celebrate!