Monday, September 9, 2013

A Little Catch Up

Today was pretty much perfect. Sadly I don't have very many pictures, but a few highlights from the last week.

We moved! Again, yes but we now live in a nice two bedroom apartment, and it is awesome! I promise pictures soon, we still have some decor to do. But the boy and I have our own room now which we are loving! We are both people who really need our space once in awhile and having a bedroom to escape to really helps that. Our roomies are awesome though, and we are getting along so well!

Speaking of roomies, we gained another one, Kasee! Kasee and I were roommates in college for one semester, and had I stayed at the school longer we would have stayed roommates. I am so happy that she is here. Kasee, much like Melody, puts up with my weirdness, which I love. Melody usually joins me while I'm being weird and Kasee laughs and makes fun of us. Then Thomas usually comes in and tackles me or something. We have lovely blend here.

Talking to my Aunt and grandparents - I have been living in L.A. for over a year now, and have yet to even have a plan to go home to visit. I'm a big family person. More than I like to let on sometimes, I luckily have family in Reno which is closer and a little easier to get to, but haven't been able to see them for awhile either. So I've been all around missing my family horribly.

 People that know me, know that I am extremely close to my Aunt from my biological fathers side of the family. We will go pretty long stretches without talking to each other, but we are pretty good about texting each other to keep up. But when we do get to talk it's always awesome, whether we are talking just to talk, in which case we are usually laughing most of the conversation, or we are encouraging each other. We are pretty in sync with each other which I think is awesome, so when I'm down she always knows what to say to me, and I think I help her too.

I always try to call my Gramps at least every other week. I didn't get the whole Grandpa, and Grandma thing that much as a kid. (Don't me wrong I love all my grandparents, they were just absent when I was younger.) But even though my Gramps isn't really able to do a whole lot physically I love talking to him. He doesn't usually say much just lets me talk. It's just nice to know who he is, and to have him to talk to.

Talking to Gram is equally fun, and she usually adds more to the conversation. She's also a very funny lady. Like my Aunt, she's a pretty busy person so I rarely get to connect with her, and she doesn't text, but our conversations always leave me happy. In one conversation, she was talking to me about her Netflix. She gets discs still, and she has a whole list to go through. Well she had Magic Mike on the list. Yeah my grandmother is pretty awesome. In short in a few days time I got to talk to all of them which was fantastic. I even made plans to go see them soon!

Triple fudge brownies - Do I need to say anymore? Top them off with snickerdoodle ice cream. No it's not healthy, but my mouth didn't care. You will thank me later.

My boyfriend - I had a very busy week and was exhausted and stressed out. We just moved and I was really tired. I had so much unpacking to do. I managed to do the bathroom and reorganize the kitchen. One day I came home from work and all of my stuff was done for me! My wonderful boyfriend did it for me, I was so incredibly relieved and thankful for it and still am, cause by the time I got home yesterday I was done.

Rediscovering Carrie Underwood - I forgot how much I love this woman! I love country and she just has a way of making it her own. But I listened to her first album a lot today and a few songs stuck out to me.

Lesson's Learned is pretty much the perfect song about life I think, especially when you're going through something this is beaten you down. It kind of reminds you that it will end eventually, and that someday you will be thankful for it. I went through a pretty rough patch awhile back, and while I'm not out of the clear yet, this song made remember that everything is for a reason. "Every change life has thrown me, I'm thankful for every break in my heart, I'm thankful for every start."

I could right a whole blog about Carrie Underwood, and probably will...tomorrow...but for tonight. It's time I get some sleep. Six day work week again. Let's do this!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Taming the Judgement

This past week I have come to some realizations about people, especially including myself. We are extremely judgmental beings! Bear with me here for a moment, please. Because I know that you are thinking, "hey isn't this supposed to be about the positive stuff?" Don't worry I'm getting there.

I am working on becoming a more positive person. Getting back to to it more like, however I know that I have a long way to go, but I do know that I am making some sort of progress here. However the other day I was struck by something about myself. I was hosting at work, and with the way they do things now I have to be outside, which is fine, I like being outside. Its Beverly Hills so you see all sorts of different people. Mostly well off. And some incredibly different people as well. This specific day, a girl walked by, with what I believed to be a rather questionable outfit, and my brain instantly went into "what is she thinking?'' Then like a big smack in the face, I realized, it's none of my business. This girl is in charge of her own life and nothing that anyone tells her, or thinks about her is going to change that. And for all I know, she may not have had anything else in her closet that day.

This one thought got me thinking about our human nature for a good part of the night. We spend so much of our lives pointing out imperfections in other people, and for what? What lets us feel we have the right to judge a person wholly on theirs appearance. Are we simply mean-spirited? Or more likely are we pointing out others imperfections, because we aren't fully comfortable with who we are? I think the latter is more likely the case.

We live in a society where first impressions are everything, but what we all consistently forget is that there are layers to people. You will never discover much about a person on your first meeting. I have been with my boyfriend for over six years and while I feel like I know him pretty well, I still learn more about him everyday.

At the end of the day judging people for absolutely no reason, or any reason at all really, especially when you don't know their whole story, really doesn't do anything for you does it? For me I know I just feel bad about it later, especially if I meet someone, and right away make judgements about them, then find out how awesome they are later. You can miss out on some of the coolest people if you make snap judgements. Now this isn't to say that after you get to know someone, and don't agree with their lifestyle you should continue to be their best friend, but you can separate yourself from that person. After all it is their life, you can't change them to fit your needs, and they shouldn't change you to fit theirs.

So this is something I am trying to work on myself, just working on becoming more open-minded, and I believe the rest will fall into place. I'm not going to beat myself up, everytime I think something bad about another person, because that's not healthy either, we are merely humans after all. But even if I do make snap judgements, to try to remember, this one simple detail; I know absolutely nothing about this persons life. To me that just puts it all into perspective. Everyone lives differently, and the best way to live your own life fully is not to worry about how everyone else is living theirs.