Saturday, April 26, 2014

3 Months later I'm back!

So I've been gone for awhile...a little over two months. I've been trying to write a new blog for a few weeks now to explain why, but I've decided to not do that. I'll explain in two sentences.

Someone I loved as a friend hurt me greatly, I no longer associate with that person. I see no reason to blast them on the internet and delve deeper into it, but rather focus on moving forward.

That past few months have been amazing to say the least.  So lets talk about the good things that have happened since then.

1 - Towards the End of January we (the boy and I) went to see his sister and her hubby in San Francisco. Now yes we've done these visits before, but this was the last time we would spend there. As always we had a great time, and saw jellyfish. And may or may not have seen a whale or two. I'm gonna go with not.

2 - My baby brother came to visit LA! It was amazing! I was so excited to see him, since I hadn't seen him in a year. And now he is off to the airforce. Military is kind of a thing with my family. We got to see Cirque du Soleil - Totem, which was one of the scariest and most stunning things I have ever seen in my life. Then unfortunately Los Angeles decided that winter was here and rained for the rest of his trip. But we ordered Chinese and made the best of it. And he got to have Cheesecake Factory for the first time, on his last day. Then we flew back home together.

3 - I WENT HOME! - For the first time in a year and a half I went to Pennsylvania, and it was great. There were some tricks to it. One being that where my family lives does not have Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. Healthy food was hard. But my mom and I became much closer during this trip. We really became friends. The best part was hanging out with my nephew, who is one of the smartest two year old's I have ever met. And now he is in love with Journey's Don't Stop Believing, because I sang it to him to go to sleep. He also likes Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. So my sister had to learn that too. I'm the best aunt ever.

 Oh the glory of Sheetz coffee. I you've never had it, you have never lived!

I got to be there for my brothers Air Force send off! I cried, as I did many times while I was home. I'm the emotional one. It's a fact.

4 - The AHA shoot - I did my first photo shoot ever, about a week after I came back from PA. I was terrified going into it, but it was worth it. We got some great shots out of it, and now I know what to expect when I get my headshots done.

Now that I'm back I am going to try my best to post at least once a day, even if it's something small. I want this blog to follow my journey into becoming an actress, and beam out positivity. I know I am happier, when I see others are happy as well. I hope that I can do the same for someone else.

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