Sunday, April 27, 2014

4 Things today

My Boy's fries - The boyfriend has recently perfected the art of making french fries at home. Seriously, I think I will compare every fry I eat now to his fries. He really makes the best. Also he's cute so that helps too!

Girl Talk - Our friends Cait and Jewcy came over to hang out, and I got to be super girl with Cait which was awesome. I'm not always an overly girly person, but I do love the chances I get to gush over pretty and cutesy things. All girls need some pink in their life right?

Being lazy - We had a bunch of goals for the day. Wanna know how many we accomplished? One. I cleaned the bathroom. Which way too much bleach. But that was enough for me to feel like an adult so we quit and decided to just talk to people all day. It really has been a pretty perfect day.

Mr. Sunshine - If you have never seen this show you should order the special DVD right now. It is so funny. And I am very angry and ABC for cancelling it! I don't know why I didn't watch it when it came out. Alison Janney with Matthew Perry = comedic excellence.

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