Monday, June 8, 2015

Name Change

Hello all! So I've made a few changes. I truly apologize to those of you that do read this blog that I have been horrible about writing. Truth be told up until about April it was painful for me to spend any significant period of time typing. And by significant I mean anything longer than 5 minutes. After that I was feeling pretty lost with the blog because I had written in so long, and I really haven't been sure of the direction I wanted to take things.

 I enjoy writing about the positive happenings from my weeks or days, and promoting positive body image. Recently, some of my friends have suggested that I start a food blog (I make up a lot of random recipes). I am also slightly in love with anything that has to do with fairy tales, and I find most kids movies funnier than most adult movies. Occasionally, when something in the world gets to me I like to speak my piece on it. So, with those pieces of information in mind I decided that I basically wanted to keep things the same, but I wanted/needed the name to reflect me a little more. 

I believe that hope, along with love, are two of the strongest things we have. That no matter how tough life seems to be, true hope will keep you moving towards whatever it is you are working for. Whether that be a new job, a health goal, or something as simple as properly placing that thumb tack to hold up your calendar.

I am going to try this whole blogging thing again. The posts will be similar to the one's I've posted before, but I hope to fearlessly show you my true self the best that I can through the interwebs.

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