Thursday, January 29, 2015

14 Things I Am Grateful for in 2014

Hello Blogworld! I started this in December and haven't spent a whole lot of time typing on my computer for the last six months.  I've become extremely lazy with this, also been I've working on a stupid neck and shoulder injury, but that's another story. So with that I thought I would like to bring back the 3 Things, that I initially stole from my future sister-in-law, and start if off with the 14 things I am grateful for in 2014, in no particular order.

1 - We're Engaged - Thomas proposed to me on on April 21 of  last year. I was completely shocked, when he asked and could not be more excited to spend the rest of my life with this guy. Your significant other does not necessarily have to be your best friend, but he is mine, and I am excited for the adventures to come.

2 - Felix - My future sister and brother-in-law had their first baby in November, and I could not be more excited. I still haven't met him, but I know I will get to and I can't wait to snuggle that child until he's sick of me. So far I have seen he is one of the most chill babies on the planet.

3 - Going Home - After over a year and half, I got to go home in March of last year. It was a two week visit, and it was very nice. However, being there also solidified that, while Pennsylvania will always be a nice visit for me, but I am perfectly okay never living there again. I always miss my family, but we are so good and staying connected to each other via phone that it doesn't hurt quite so much anymore.

4 - Guinea Pigs - We adopted our first pets this year. Darla and Lola, our guinea pigs. We ended up getting more than we bargained for with them, but they are so much fun. They each have two vastly different personalities, and they have helped me out in more ways than you would think a little rodent ever could.

5 - Holidays with Friends - As we have every year for the past few years, we hosted big Thanksgiving dinner in our apartment. I am always exhausted by the end of it, but it is becoming my favorite day of the year. Our friends Cait and Jewcy hosted a Christmas at their house this year, which was awesome. One it was awesome not having to do much on a holiday, as an adult I'm learning that spending the holidays with friends is more than okay. I'm looking forward to future Christmas's with our friends.

6 - My Grandfather Surviving - In July we nearly lost my grandfather twice. I am very close to him, my aunt, and my grandmother. It was a scary time, but that man is a beast. He pulled through a very difficult situation, and is still with us today. I could not be more thankful for that.

7 - Tough Times as a couple - August started a very rough few months for us, especially financially. I was injured on the job and was in and out of the doctors, and was constantly leaving work early due to severe pain. He was laid of at the end of the month. But through it we realized as a couple how little material things meant to us. At the end of each day we still manage to keep ourselves fed, a roof over our heads, and we have each other. No matter what we can make it.

8 - My brother visiting/then joining the air force - My baby brother was the first of my family members to visit me last year and it was awesome. He wanted to make sure he spent time with me before he went to the airforce so he flew out to LA to visit me, and we flew home together. Siblings are the coolest sometimes.

9 - Coming to an understanding in my own personal faith - This a long story, that may be placed better in it's own blog. For years I have been trying to fully for what exactly it is that I believe. I've known I've believed and God and Jesus, but trying to to follow the way I felt like I was told to was very difficult for me. I have come to terms with how I want to handle it and I am grateful for that. My relationship with God is better than anyone telling me how it should be.

10 - Making the push for acting - While I had to cancel it due to injury I did get an LA Casting account. I was submitting for auditions. Even though I am on hold for right now, it felt really good to finally do it.

11 - Chris moving to LA - A good friend that I had done several shows with in Pennsylvania, made a fairly unplanned move to Los Angeles. I was needless to say selfishly ecstatic. He now lives 15 minutes away from me! Yay Chris!

12 - Staying in a day job for more than a year with no intentions of leaving - I am still at the cupcake place and I still enjoy it. There is only one job I would even consider leaving it for. But the people are wonderful and the company is a legitimately wonderful company!

13 - Became more comfortable with my body - I still have a long way to go with this. However, I have become much more accepting of my self. I am a relatively small person in stature, but I will never be a size two. Never. And that is okay. I want to try to create new projects with  my friends, in order to put all body types out there. I have a few projects up my sleeve to help with that.

14 - My apartment complex - I really like my apartment. They are doing amazing renovations. And it's rent controlled. So basically we are going to stay here forever.

Okay I will try to be better, and start in with Body Image Monday's again. But it happens when it happens. If there is anything in particular you think I should talk about, comment below and we'll see if we can make it happen! Good luck for the next 11 months of 2015 y'all.

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