Thursday, April 14, 2016

Body Positive - Taking Care of Yourself

In the past I have posted a spot on this blog geared to positive body image, and it was usually posted on Monday's. Hence Body Image Monday's was born. Well, I work in the food service industry and will not always be able to guarantee my schedule. So, we're just gonna call this section Body Positive, and it will hopefully be posted at least once a week.

Okay, as many of you know, I have struggled with having a positive image of the body I have for pretty much my whole life. In the past with this section I have talked about ways to help with that way of thinking. Including taking a month off of wearing make-up (which I may do again), discussing body shaming in the media, and posting my own swimsuit picture. One thing I haven't really discussed is the fact that having positive body image also means, you love and care about your body enough to take care of it.

Now, weight and BMI don't mean that much to me. However, I am currently at the heaviest weight I have ever been in my life. Now, there are several life circumstances that fell into play here including a long standing injury in which I never bounced back from weight and strength wise. Mostly due to just not knowing where to start. Then we moved cross country. I allowed finances and stress, to take hold of my eating habits, I should technically be eating wheat free, if not completely gluten free, and was a vegetarian when I moved. The drastic change in my once pretty healthy lifestyle caused me to gain at least 12 lbs since moving and I have been beating myself up every day without making the effort to change it.

Now I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad, or to get you to scold me. This is a moment of being honest with myself. I love to cook, and I love making up random concoctions in the kitchen. I've made things like apple and cauliflower rice stuffed peppers, and spicy mango puree stir-fry. Somewhere in the midst of all the stress I lost sight of that, and started eating ramen and more fast food than I care to admit.

Through all of this I have also lost a lot of confidence in myself physically. The weight does not help, no. But as I've said in the past, it's just a number and size does not make a person beautiful. I have been eating so badly, and that has caused me to feel physically sick and tired pretty much since we moved. And being sick all of the time can lead to depression, something I already struggle with. With depression usually comes some pretty negative thoughts about yourself.

Within the last two weeks or so I have been making the effort to eat at least a little better than I have been. Just trying to make more meals and make better choices when eating out. My stomach loves me for it. But also when I do eat better, I feel better. When I feel better physically, I start to feel more confident in myself.

What I'm getting at here is that creating positive body image is not just about being able to look at yourself and say "hey you know what, screw the media, I am gorgeous!" That's part of it. But another big part of it, is that you have to love yourself enough to take care of your body they way it deserves to be taken care of. That means eating a healthy balanced diet, and exercising. Whatever that means for you, everyone is different. Do you hear me? Everyone is DIFFERENT. Nothing will work exactly the same for two people. Changes don't have to be all at once. Start by adding a few more veggies or fruits into your diet, or by making green smoothies! Take a 20 minute walk every day and add on 5 to 10 minutes every week. Whatever gets you started. Love yourself enough to take care of the body you were given, and do it in way that works for you.

Yes, for me there were circumstances that put a halt to my taking care of my body. But I'm ready to get back to changing that now. My refrigerator has more fresh veggies in it now than it has seen since before I moved, I quit smoking, and I'm starting to walk more. Starting Saturday I plan to start a 30 day yoga challenge for beginners. As a way to keep me motivated, through that challenge I plan to share with you at least once a week how my body is feeling, any changes that I recognize, and tips I find for myself. Also, as requested by my two best friends for ages now, I will actually start creating recipes for some of the random things I have made up.

I'm not a nutritionist, but if I find something that is helpful I will share it. If you want to join me in the doing 30 days of yoga this is the girl I'm using. I find her super relaxing and she really explains what is going on. And if you need more inspiration, follow Healthy is the New Skinny on Instagram! Can't wait to see the positive changes that are to come!

P.S. If there is a body image issue you would like discussed on this blog, please let me know!


  1. I appreciate your idea here.Definitely it has a good content.Thank you for imparting more of your own thoughts. Good job!

  2. Great article! Thanks for sharing :)

    Greetings from Jakarta,
