Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hello all!

Yes, yes I know. I have been gone for an extremely long time again. No excuses, because in reality I have plenty of those. Anyway I have been struggling with how to start this all up again, so I have just put it off for months and months. Well sometimes the best way to start to something is to just do it and go from there. So, that's what I'm doing.

A little about what has been going on. We moved! After struggling for a long time in Los Angeles, we made the decision to move back to Pennsylvania. I am extremely happy about it. I miss my LA friends a ton, but I am really happy with where we have ended up. I am still trying to get comfortable in a job situation. I tried banking...yeah...not for me. Not for me at all.

We got a dog! His name is Gus-Gus Galavant Greene, and he is a fireball! I love this maniac to pieces. When we moved we ended up having to get rid of our beloved guinea pigs, Darla and Lola. That was a rough day, because my animals are like my kids to me. If you think I'm exaggerating, you do not know me at all. I will be an overbearing mother to a human child one day. But for now I am an overbearing puppy mama.

The boy is actually in job that he really likes, which is probably the biggest blessing of all. And we finally set a wedding date! December 10th y'all!

Me? Like I said I tried banking, and it was so not for me. I am currently serving, which I like, but physically it is taking it's toll on me so, we will see what comes next. I am also currently attending a Catholic church for the first time in my life, and really enjoying it! I am considering going through the RCIA process, but more on that later.

While I was living in LA I was pretty regularly maintaining a healthy gluten free, vegetarian diet. After we moved, expenses were high and I was unable to eat the way I needed to. And now the whole eating gluten thing (because I'm really not supposed to) especially is catching back up with me in big ways. So I'm gonna work on stopping that again. Since moving I have gained an easy 10 pounds. Now I'm not a big scale person, and weight shouldn't matter as long as you are healthy, but I have not been healthy. I've been sick most of the winter with illness and loads of digestive issues, especially lately. So body image Monday's are coming back, and we're gonna talk about how having good body image also means taking care of yourself.

Also, in stealing from my future sister-in-law I will do my version of 3 Things. P.S. if you have checked out her blog, you should. She shares loads of inspirational things and ideas to help make our world a better place.

Again with this blog who knows what will come of it. It's mainly an outlet for me, and if you enjoy reading it that makes me happy too! Okay friends lets see what happens.

Thought for the day - Just be nice to everyone. Even if they're jerks, it takes more energy to be a jerk back.


  1. Your blog seems to "happen" just like mine does - whatever is walking through the mind at the moment :) Nice!

    1. Yup, pretty much! It's a nice outlet for me, and if people,like to tear it then cool. I mainly post on Facebook so that people who do tear it, know that I've posted haha.
