Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Things I loved this past week

The Fiance - This man puts up with a lot of crap from me. I sometimes feel like he has Saint like qualities. I have been sick for the past few weeks and he has done nothing but stay by my side the entire time. Getting me everything I need and sitting with me until I feel better. I am an extremely lucky woman to have this one with me, his support really gets me through some tough stuff. Right now all I want is my family and he has been dealing with a lot of late night talks and emotions because of it. And he never wavers. He is a real trooper! Also he said yes to "Beauty and the Beast" being our first dance song...score...I don't know if that's what we'll actually do, I have multiple ideas for that.

The Lego Movie - Everything is Awesooomme! You need to see this movie. It really is one of the most brilliant kids movies I have ever seen, and it helped pull me out of a slump at least a little bit. If anything see if for Morgan Freeman.

Darla can jump - and she can jump a pretty good distance. It's really impressive actually. While giving her a bath last week, she launched herself out of the sink! Thank goodness the boy had been there or I we would not have a piggie any more.

Letters from Mom - My mother and I have a mildly complicated relationship. But she is one of my favorite people. I have been going through a lot emotionally lately and she wrote a letter that was just perfect for it. I cried of course, but loved it none the less.

I'm going back to school - I applied Santa Monica city college and am going to school for Computer Applications online. I probably will start in September, but I couldn't be more excited!

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