Sunday, October 20, 2013

Endings, New Beginnings, and Nevada

Last Friday was my last day at the Chinese Restaurant I now used to work at. After the work day a few of us went to a little Mexican restaurant down the street for drinks. Which by the way. If you're in Beverly Hills and want to go to Frida's. Save yourself the trouble and don't, you will be better for it. That part was some what fun. However we took the fun back to my place, which ended up being a blast.

Now I will digress a little. I had been feeling extremely mixed emotions about leaving this place. Not because it was a good job or anything, but because I had built some relationships out of it that I did want to lose, and in the past moving away from something has always meant losing close relationships, which is part of life as I have grown to learn and accept. I don't love it, but I accept it. I spent so much time with these people that they were my LA family, and now I was leaving them behind.

Back to Friday Night. This night actually showed me that this was the true beginning of so many of these new relationships. Outside of work, we were able to discover so much more about each other, sides that you would not see otherwise. Since that night efforts have been made for us all to see each other again. Because now, we don't just have to see each other, we want to. I have been dying to have a connection with people like this in LA for a very long time, and I think it has finally happened, and it is making me a happier person for it.

The Cupcake place is the best thing I could ever have asked for. I actually look forward to going to work every time. Everyone there is so open and it's easy to make friends, I've actually already started in some cases and it's great. It has been a wonderful restart to my life. Including helping the drive for acting. Pretty much everyone I work with is an actor, which is amazing, you gain inspiration by being around people with the same interests and drive as yourself. God really knew where I needed to be and found the perfect place for me! Plus I get to see this whenever I leave work!

Nevada - Everything about this place I love. It's my third home. The first two being Pennsylvania, and Los Angeles. Every time I come here, even though I've only known my family for a few years, it's like they have always been there. Sitting in my grandparents kitchen always gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, that you can only get by being with your grandparents. I don't know how to explain it. I love that I get to have that in my life.

I have no clue when I will get to go home, so it makes me so happy that I get to come here as often as I can. Another piece of God's plan for me I believe. I need family around me, but if I have it constantly I will not let myself strive for the things I want in my life. Not because my family tries to prevent me from doing that, but because when I'm close to my family members I want to be around them as much as I can, spending all of my free time with them, because I love them that much. I firmly believe that is why, for the time being I am meant to be in L.A. but get have some family so close in Sparks. They close enough for quick trips, but then they are far enough for me to learn how to keep my self focused, and believe me I still have a long, long way to go on that.

My aunt is easily my best friend. Everyone who knows me, knows this. I look up to her in so many ways. This woman is a pillar of strength, resilience, and most importantly, faith. She has not had an easy few years, and this past year has been especially difficult, but through it all, she has still held on to the one thing that she knows will get her through, and that is God's promise that things will get better in time. She kind of reminds of Job right now.

Through everything that has happened in the past few years, she is still able to put on a smile, and find ways to laugh. Whether it be with hanging out with friends, or her goofy animals, she knows that life is still happening and she doesn't try to hide from it.  I love spending time with her, every time I get to come here is blessing, and we always end up with some new little side jokes out of it.

And if visting those three weren't enough incentive for visiting Nevada, here are a few pics of that would be.

And these just show the adorableness of it all.

 Miss Buffy. She has had rough year but has been a trooper, and is looking pretty good these days.
 Bentley and Belle. The sappiest, and cutest Bassets on this earth.

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