Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Twitter, Christmas Music, Daddy chats

Okay so this week I finally did something in social media that I swore I would never, ever do. I joined Twitter. And I can't lie, I kind of love it. It's really fun to see what people come up with on there. It's not the stalkerish thing that I thought it was. So too morals out of this. 1 - Don't knock it till you try it. 2 - Never say never. So much from a social media site.

Christmas Music - Yes I am THAT person, who starts in October. Usually I start in September, but for my boyfriends sanity I refrained, and I have even only listened to it alone, or with headphones, because I'm that nice. But the point is, it makes me really happy to listen to Christmas music! I love Christmas, it is my favorite holiday. This does not mean Thanksgiving will be pushed aside. I am very excited about this as well, but something about listening to Alvin and the Chipmunks on my way to work puts me a really snazzy mood!

I got to talk to my dad for a good long while yesterday and that made me extremely happy! I am a daddy's girl, my whole family knows it. Lately with our conflicting schedules and the time difference my dad and I haven't been able to connect, but I got to talk to him for over an hour yesterday, about pretty much nothing, important. We also discussed me FINALLY going home for a trip after a year and half in February! This is happening, I couldn't be more excited. I love my family and not seeing them after this long, is just craziness. With my new job, I should be able to go home once or twice a year at least now!

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