Friday, October 11, 2013

Mini Vacay's, New Job, Best TV Show Ever

Okay so it's been about a month since I've written, it's been a little nutso and plus I really wasn't in a positive place, so essentially I had a writers block.

When I started this blog I originally wanted to something everyday for thirty days specifically.  Now what I am going to start is something out of my boyfriend's, sister's blog (she gave permission I promise). 3 Things. Each day to write about three things that affected my day positively. And sometimes I'll miss a day hear and there, sure but it's something to help focus on the positivity in my life. So to start it off, I will do three things from the past month.

1 - Visiting the Alfeo's - Towards the end of the month the boyfriend and I went to visit his sister and her husband, which was an all around awesome visit that included seeing Casablanca on the big screen, and laser tag. Pretty much an epic weekend.

On Saturday we joined them to do The Walk to End Alzheimers, and it rained through the whole thing, but it was worth it. I love being with family, evening when getting soaked. Then Sunday we played mini golf, which I am NOT good at. At all. But it was a lot of fun, and they had some random medievally music playing which made everything that much better.

The best part about this trip for me though, was getting to just kick back and talk to Barbara. This woman is honestly one of my favorite people in the entire world and I don't think I let her know it enough. She is a giant ray of sunshine with the perfect amount of goofball and sass. There is a whole lot I could go on about here, but in essence, Barbara is the perfect big sister..

2 - New Job - This says it all! I am leaving my current restaurant to work at a cupcake place, and I couldn't be happier about that decision. Due to social media contracts and I cannot list where I am working, but it's cupcakes. Generally, customers are so much nicer and easier to deal with, and it's a full time job that pays decently, and when needed I could actually request days off here and there to do auditions! This part makes me even happier. The people I work with so far are incredibly nice, and they are fun! We have spirit days Wednesday was Wacky sock Wednesday, I wore some pretty cool Jack Skelington socks. All in all, I know I made the right choice.

3 - Once Upon A Time - I found my dream T.V. show. One that I love to watch, and that I am also determined to be on someday! It. Will. Happen. I am soooooo happy that I finally starting watching this show. And if you aren't watching it, you're wrong. Stop what you're doing and go watch it now, it's that good! I now have a newfound love for acting because of this show, and a new favorite actress. Lana Parrilla, is one of the most talented women, I have ever seen in my life...ever. She plays the Evil Queen, my favorite character, I always like the bad guy for some reason, Grease is proof. Anyway there will be a blog about the Evil Queen and Once Upon A Time as a whole, because this show changed my entire outlook on life.

Okay that was a little snippet of this past month, three things that really inspired me. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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