Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Clowns and lentils

1 - Going to work to find out girl went to clown school - This girl Kat that I work with went to Clown School, I mean what? I just found that completely awesome

2 - Cooking something new - I was sent home early from work because we were slow. I was a little bummed out about it as some one who lives paycheck to paycheck, but this enabled me to go home and make dinner and not just have to eat salad. I made curried lentil soup and it is so bomb diggity! I could have eaten it forever so, so good. And it was my first time trying lentils, it was a pretty big win.

For Monday, because I didn't get this done until 1:00 a.m.ish

 As part of the reformation and figuring this blog out, I will not be doing 3 Things. It bothers me. But rather I will just be making note of positive things in my day, and it will need to be everyday as I become better at this. So some days maybe I will have three, some days I bet I'll have ten! Just a reminder that I can be thankful for the little things in life too.

1 - Thomas the movie kid - My roommate and I went to a movie tonight and I was having the hardest time trying to decide what to get. This whole being healthy thing is hard. So I pretty much said screw it, I wanted and Icee (which I will never have again), candy, and popcorn! I just drank a ton of water when I came home. But upon trying to decide Thomas the Movie Kid hooked me up , with an Icee and a half, candy and more popcorn than I could handle. I was pretty impressed.

2 - Kasee's return - I didn't realize how much I missed her until she came home! Maybe it's because she laughs at me a lot? But also she's a pretty awesome friend, she saw a movie twice for me!

3- Saving Mr. Banks - Okay I am 24 years old and I LOVE Disney. I was a little afraid this movie would make me dislike Walt Disney (even though the man was kind of disillusioned), therefore making me like Disney less, but I really loved this movie. Emma Thompson is a goddess, her character is so unbelievably real, I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her. A beautiful film. I know that the ending is not quite what it was supposed to be, but come one peeps, this is Hollywood, and this was a Disney movie, it was going to have a happy ending.

4 - Singing Randomly in the street - So being the Disney dork that I am, I started singing to Kasee as we were standing on the street waiting for the bus. I was singing Under the Sea, and not quietly I might add. Kasee chimed in with some of the instrumentals, I'm pretty sure people thought we were drunk, but no, honestly just embracing life. Lately, even with the on set of some people leaving my life, I have acquired a zeal for life again, and this was showing it I think. I'm becoming less afraid to be me.

Monday, January 13, 2014

4 Things from Yesterday

1 - Songza - Another one of those music sites/apps that that you can customize the radio station. Except that when you log on it will show what time of day it is, then will suggest a mood setting such as, cleaning, or relaxing, or party time. It was surprisingly spot on, and introduced me to some new music and brought up some fun old songs. I'm still a big fan of my Phil Collins Pandora station though.

2 - Spicy Spaghetti - So I am on a clean eating kick, hopefully permanently, with one day a week where I can be bad a little bad of course, so that I can still enjoy life. Anyway...yesterday I made myself some spaghetti for dinner. I know what you're thinking, "how on earth did you make that clean?" Actually pretty easy, organic products, and veggies only. Follow food combining rules, and don't use cheese. Best spaghetti I've ever had in my life.

3 - Surprising Janet - My boyfriends amazing mother came to visit, and we decided to go to the airport and meet her there as a surprise. It almost didn't work out, because usually her flights are late, or delayed or something silly. This time it was fifteen half hour early! Thomas and I were still on the shuttle to the airport at that point. We were able to tell her just minutes before we saw her that we were that we were there, and she was excited to see us at the airport so it all worked out.

4 - JANET! - I love this woman! I call her mom most of the time, because I do consider her my mother, as much as I do my own mother. She is a pillar of strength and wisdom and she has taught me so much in my life, in the six plus years that I have known her. She has an unbelievable amount of patience and love for others, which is something that I hope to gain, and am working on, so I really admire her. I love it when she gets to visit us. It's usually a very short trip, but I really enjoy it when she is here. And now that she can stay with us I'm looking forward to many more visits.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Insecurities with learning

Okay so I could chalk up the lack of posting to being busy with work, which I am, but that's just not the case. This past week I all of the sudden became very insecure about the blog, wasn't sure which direction I was going to take it. I am now realizing that I am silly at that this blogging thing is a learning experience. I need to take the time to really grasp what I want to talk about here.

I really enjoy sharing my three things. I think it keeps me positive, and I think that it's a good tool for everyone to use. But I would also like to write about things that are important to me, so that maybe someone, somewhere would gain something from what I've written about. So while I really think it's going to take me some discipline I am going to add some segments. Like talking about the movie that I watched that week (btw last week was Forrest Gump), and my food adventures, and my fandoms, or discussing bullying, which is a subject the wrenches my heart. So bear with me here folks, and watch as it all comes together! The blog will live up to its name, because this process will be one day at a time.

With all that said three things this week:

1 - The Hobbit - I enjoy the Tolkien movies, I really do. While they are very long, they are stories that are full of adventure, and magic (which is almost a requirement for me). The second Hobbit film does not disappoint. It feels a bit slow at the start but it is worth the slow uphill until you get to the action, because then the movie just fly's. The boyfriend and I have started making a thing, that we see these movies together. I would say more stuff about it but, I'm afraid I will give things away, in case you haven't seen it or read the book.

2 - Forrest Gump - This was my one new movie last week and I am in love with it! It is so beautiful. I think this story show's what I want to try to live my life with. Unconditional love, and openness. Yes I understand that Forrest was a mentally challenged man, but he had not barriers on who he could love. Why can't "normal" people be that way? Why can't the rest of us just openly accept others without cause, and be able to forgive those that have hurt us. We would live much more peacefully.

3 - The Bag of Pride - Today in my line at the cupcake shop, a woman as for a bag. I pulled one out and flipped it open with one hand. Like a dork and said "Oh yeah" Kool-aid man style, the woman chuckled at me. I told her I was proud of myself sometimes. Her immediate response was "you should be proud of yourself all of the time. Life is tough, but you get up every day and you face it head on, so yeah be proud of yourself!" Made my week.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Inspiration for the day

I know I haven't blogged this week, will be getting back to it tomorrow. Just wanted to share this quote tonight.

"With enough parsing of the details, we are all originals, and seeing someone's unique qualities just illuminates what a miracle they are. How can you not love someone once you see just how weird they really are?" - Barbara Alfeo

This is my boyfriends sister. Check out her blog here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

3 Things New Years Eve Edition

1 - The joy of no cable - we did not get to see a ball drop due to the fact that we don't have cable so Thomas pulled up a streaming of the New York Ball drop on his computer, that kept deciding it wasn't going to work. So we decided to ignore our phones and computers for a minute...or two and rang in New Years a little late! But we kissed and toasted and that's what counts! Seriously Our count down went from 10, 7, 3, 2, 1 it was great.

2 - Jewcy and Cait - One of my favorite couples in the world, that we don't see enough of, came over for New Years Eve. We were in tears laughing for many parts of the night and there were just six of us. Having them there to ring in a late dysfunctional New Years warmed my heart so much!

3 - Vegetarian Buffalo Dip - I actually tried two new recipes for New Years, as Jewcy is a vegetarian, I wanted to make sure I had something appropriate for him. I love buffalo chicken dip, and search for something simple and non meaty and this stuff was out of this world good! The potatoes I made were good too, but I couldn't stop eating this stuff! This will probably be my dish of choice when we got to parties from here on out.