Saturday, January 11, 2014

Insecurities with learning

Okay so I could chalk up the lack of posting to being busy with work, which I am, but that's just not the case. This past week I all of the sudden became very insecure about the blog, wasn't sure which direction I was going to take it. I am now realizing that I am silly at that this blogging thing is a learning experience. I need to take the time to really grasp what I want to talk about here.

I really enjoy sharing my three things. I think it keeps me positive, and I think that it's a good tool for everyone to use. But I would also like to write about things that are important to me, so that maybe someone, somewhere would gain something from what I've written about. So while I really think it's going to take me some discipline I am going to add some segments. Like talking about the movie that I watched that week (btw last week was Forrest Gump), and my food adventures, and my fandoms, or discussing bullying, which is a subject the wrenches my heart. So bear with me here folks, and watch as it all comes together! The blog will live up to its name, because this process will be one day at a time.

With all that said three things this week:

1 - The Hobbit - I enjoy the Tolkien movies, I really do. While they are very long, they are stories that are full of adventure, and magic (which is almost a requirement for me). The second Hobbit film does not disappoint. It feels a bit slow at the start but it is worth the slow uphill until you get to the action, because then the movie just fly's. The boyfriend and I have started making a thing, that we see these movies together. I would say more stuff about it but, I'm afraid I will give things away, in case you haven't seen it or read the book.

2 - Forrest Gump - This was my one new movie last week and I am in love with it! It is so beautiful. I think this story show's what I want to try to live my life with. Unconditional love, and openness. Yes I understand that Forrest was a mentally challenged man, but he had not barriers on who he could love. Why can't "normal" people be that way? Why can't the rest of us just openly accept others without cause, and be able to forgive those that have hurt us. We would live much more peacefully.

3 - The Bag of Pride - Today in my line at the cupcake shop, a woman as for a bag. I pulled one out and flipped it open with one hand. Like a dork and said "Oh yeah" Kool-aid man style, the woman chuckled at me. I told her I was proud of myself sometimes. Her immediate response was "you should be proud of yourself all of the time. Life is tough, but you get up every day and you face it head on, so yeah be proud of yourself!" Made my week.

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