Monday, January 13, 2014

4 Things from Yesterday

1 - Songza - Another one of those music sites/apps that that you can customize the radio station. Except that when you log on it will show what time of day it is, then will suggest a mood setting such as, cleaning, or relaxing, or party time. It was surprisingly spot on, and introduced me to some new music and brought up some fun old songs. I'm still a big fan of my Phil Collins Pandora station though.

2 - Spicy Spaghetti - So I am on a clean eating kick, hopefully permanently, with one day a week where I can be bad a little bad of course, so that I can still enjoy life. Anyway...yesterday I made myself some spaghetti for dinner. I know what you're thinking, "how on earth did you make that clean?" Actually pretty easy, organic products, and veggies only. Follow food combining rules, and don't use cheese. Best spaghetti I've ever had in my life.

3 - Surprising Janet - My boyfriends amazing mother came to visit, and we decided to go to the airport and meet her there as a surprise. It almost didn't work out, because usually her flights are late, or delayed or something silly. This time it was fifteen half hour early! Thomas and I were still on the shuttle to the airport at that point. We were able to tell her just minutes before we saw her that we were that we were there, and she was excited to see us at the airport so it all worked out.

4 - JANET! - I love this woman! I call her mom most of the time, because I do consider her my mother, as much as I do my own mother. She is a pillar of strength and wisdom and she has taught me so much in my life, in the six plus years that I have known her. She has an unbelievable amount of patience and love for others, which is something that I hope to gain, and am working on, so I really admire her. I love it when she gets to visit us. It's usually a very short trip, but I really enjoy it when she is here. And now that she can stay with us I'm looking forward to many more visits.

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