Monday, December 9, 2013

Spread the Love

Going back a few...a lot...of  days. I can't really say that things have been too crazy, more that I have been increasingly lazy about the blog. So I do apologize. Also I have been a bit of a Negative Nancy lately, and no one really needs to read about that. So I am returning to the blog world with my attitude geared in the right direction, and also writing about the stuff that makes me happy, usually helps me out.

First off Thanksgiving was awesome, I had 13 people in my house, and while I was friggin' exhausted by the time it was all said and done, I was so happy it happened. Something I am learning about myself...I really like to entertain, in the sense that I enjoy having people over.

Now even more important...IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME Y'ALL! This is my favorite time of the year! It always has been, since I was a little kid. I love the music, the lights, the smells, the food (which is part of why I will probably never be smaller than what I currently am), I genuinely am a cheery Christmas person. Sometimes I'm obnoxious with it, and I don't care, if you don't like Christmas that's you're own prerogative! I really could not give a crap about gifts. I like to find things for other people, this year, I'm looking harder to really find things that are really special for that person, but as far as getting gifts, no matter how much I like them, I don't get that excited because this holiday isn't about that for me. It's about love.

Many of you that know me, know the basic story of my upbringing. We went through some very hard times, money was always a problem, and still is for my family,  but this time of year was always magical, and it wasn't because of the gifts that were under the tree, it was because of love. No matter how much we fought, and wanted to strangle each other, my family loved each other. Christmas was the one time of year, where nothing in the world outside of us being a family mattered. As kids we usually liked what we got for Christmas, but honestly I think we liked looking at the tree with the presents under it, because it was sooo pretty. My sister and I would continuously play the Disney Sing-A-Long Christmas tape, and dance to it, mom and I would always make cookies and inevitably burn at least one tray. My dad was always in charge of the lights, and putting the angel on the tree. And yes every year, we always watch all of the silly 1960's claymation movies, because they are awesome.

Now for my point of all this. Christmas is about love. I have been asked countless times already "What do you want for Christmas?" I really don't like this question because, honestly, I don't want anything. Yes there are things I need, and I struggle very much with money, but I have enough. I have a boyfriend that loves me more than I think I comprehend sometimes, friends who would do anything for me, food in my refrigerator and a roof over my head. There are so many people that don't have even one of these things, and I am grateful that I do have so much. I miss my family more than anything this time of year, but the void is being somewhat filled this year by four other people that have become my Los Angeles family.

This year what I want people to do for Christmas is simply do something for someone else, and spread a little love around. It could be something as simple as buying, the person behind you's coffee at Starbucks. Reach out to someone less fortunate than you are, they may just want someone to talk to that day. That is what I want for Christmas. Spread peace, joy, and love.

As I am writing this my all time favorite Christmas song started to play on Spotify, and it is perfect, I tear up every time I hear it. Take a listen.


  1. Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing! Beautiful picture!

  2. Yay another post! I must admit, I check once in a while to see if you added something ;) If I don't hear from you until then...Happy Holidays! Need to visit the grove and try some of those famous sprinkles cupcakes. And of course see your face!

  3. You are the most beautiful person (inside and out) that I know and I am thankful you are in my life, I just wish you lived a closer to me!!!! <3 you!!
