Thursday, April 14, 2016

Body Positive - Taking Care of Yourself

In the past I have posted a spot on this blog geared to positive body image, and it was usually posted on Monday's. Hence Body Image Monday's was born. Well, I work in the food service industry and will not always be able to guarantee my schedule. So, we're just gonna call this section Body Positive, and it will hopefully be posted at least once a week.

Okay, as many of you know, I have struggled with having a positive image of the body I have for pretty much my whole life. In the past with this section I have talked about ways to help with that way of thinking. Including taking a month off of wearing make-up (which I may do again), discussing body shaming in the media, and posting my own swimsuit picture. One thing I haven't really discussed is the fact that having positive body image also means, you love and care about your body enough to take care of it.

Now, weight and BMI don't mean that much to me. However, I am currently at the heaviest weight I have ever been in my life. Now, there are several life circumstances that fell into play here including a long standing injury in which I never bounced back from weight and strength wise. Mostly due to just not knowing where to start. Then we moved cross country. I allowed finances and stress, to take hold of my eating habits, I should technically be eating wheat free, if not completely gluten free, and was a vegetarian when I moved. The drastic change in my once pretty healthy lifestyle caused me to gain at least 12 lbs since moving and I have been beating myself up every day without making the effort to change it.

Now I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad, or to get you to scold me. This is a moment of being honest with myself. I love to cook, and I love making up random concoctions in the kitchen. I've made things like apple and cauliflower rice stuffed peppers, and spicy mango puree stir-fry. Somewhere in the midst of all the stress I lost sight of that, and started eating ramen and more fast food than I care to admit.

Through all of this I have also lost a lot of confidence in myself physically. The weight does not help, no. But as I've said in the past, it's just a number and size does not make a person beautiful. I have been eating so badly, and that has caused me to feel physically sick and tired pretty much since we moved. And being sick all of the time can lead to depression, something I already struggle with. With depression usually comes some pretty negative thoughts about yourself.

Within the last two weeks or so I have been making the effort to eat at least a little better than I have been. Just trying to make more meals and make better choices when eating out. My stomach loves me for it. But also when I do eat better, I feel better. When I feel better physically, I start to feel more confident in myself.

What I'm getting at here is that creating positive body image is not just about being able to look at yourself and say "hey you know what, screw the media, I am gorgeous!" That's part of it. But another big part of it, is that you have to love yourself enough to take care of your body they way it deserves to be taken care of. That means eating a healthy balanced diet, and exercising. Whatever that means for you, everyone is different. Do you hear me? Everyone is DIFFERENT. Nothing will work exactly the same for two people. Changes don't have to be all at once. Start by adding a few more veggies or fruits into your diet, or by making green smoothies! Take a 20 minute walk every day and add on 5 to 10 minutes every week. Whatever gets you started. Love yourself enough to take care of the body you were given, and do it in way that works for you.

Yes, for me there were circumstances that put a halt to my taking care of my body. But I'm ready to get back to changing that now. My refrigerator has more fresh veggies in it now than it has seen since before I moved, I quit smoking, and I'm starting to walk more. Starting Saturday I plan to start a 30 day yoga challenge for beginners. As a way to keep me motivated, through that challenge I plan to share with you at least once a week how my body is feeling, any changes that I recognize, and tips I find for myself. Also, as requested by my two best friends for ages now, I will actually start creating recipes for some of the random things I have made up.

I'm not a nutritionist, but if I find something that is helpful I will share it. If you want to join me in the doing 30 days of yoga this is the girl I'm using. I find her super relaxing and she really explains what is going on. And if you need more inspiration, follow Healthy is the New Skinny on Instagram! Can't wait to see the positive changes that are to come!

P.S. If there is a body image issue you would like discussed on this blog, please let me know!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hello all!

Yes, yes I know. I have been gone for an extremely long time again. No excuses, because in reality I have plenty of those. Anyway I have been struggling with how to start this all up again, so I have just put it off for months and months. Well sometimes the best way to start to something is to just do it and go from there. So, that's what I'm doing.

A little about what has been going on. We moved! After struggling for a long time in Los Angeles, we made the decision to move back to Pennsylvania. I am extremely happy about it. I miss my LA friends a ton, but I am really happy with where we have ended up. I am still trying to get comfortable in a job situation. I tried banking...yeah...not for me. Not for me at all.

We got a dog! His name is Gus-Gus Galavant Greene, and he is a fireball! I love this maniac to pieces. When we moved we ended up having to get rid of our beloved guinea pigs, Darla and Lola. That was a rough day, because my animals are like my kids to me. If you think I'm exaggerating, you do not know me at all. I will be an overbearing mother to a human child one day. But for now I am an overbearing puppy mama.

The boy is actually in job that he really likes, which is probably the biggest blessing of all. And we finally set a wedding date! December 10th y'all!

Me? Like I said I tried banking, and it was so not for me. I am currently serving, which I like, but physically it is taking it's toll on me so, we will see what comes next. I am also currently attending a Catholic church for the first time in my life, and really enjoying it! I am considering going through the RCIA process, but more on that later.

While I was living in LA I was pretty regularly maintaining a healthy gluten free, vegetarian diet. After we moved, expenses were high and I was unable to eat the way I needed to. And now the whole eating gluten thing (because I'm really not supposed to) especially is catching back up with me in big ways. So I'm gonna work on stopping that again. Since moving I have gained an easy 10 pounds. Now I'm not a big scale person, and weight shouldn't matter as long as you are healthy, but I have not been healthy. I've been sick most of the winter with illness and loads of digestive issues, especially lately. So body image Monday's are coming back, and we're gonna talk about how having good body image also means taking care of yourself.

Also, in stealing from my future sister-in-law I will do my version of 3 Things. P.S. if you have checked out her blog, you should. She shares loads of inspirational things and ideas to help make our world a better place.

Again with this blog who knows what will come of it. It's mainly an outlet for me, and if you enjoy reading it that makes me happy too! Okay friends lets see what happens.

Thought for the day - Just be nice to everyone. Even if they're jerks, it takes more energy to be a jerk back.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

28 Awesome Things About My All-Time Favorite Person

28 years ago today a super awesome thing happened. My best friend and favorite person on earth was born! So I decided that in honor that I would give you a list of 28 awesome things about him. Note: There are way more than 28 awesome things, but he's turning 28, hence why the number has been chosen.

28 - Passion for film - If you claim to be friends with this guy and don't know that he has a huge passion for film, then you are a liar. He loves movies, and can tell you all kinds of random facts about different films and the actors. He has definitely opened up my movie world a lot since we met. He can hold a pretty solid debate as to why he does or does not like a specific film, something that I think is rare and awesome

27 - His ability to put up with my crazy-ass - This alone is enough for me to love him. I'm an emotional mess of a person, I mean I cry at pictures of puppies because they are so cute. But no matter how my craziness comes out, he always knows how to just go with the flow and make me see the light, if you will.

26 - Best hugger - I don't think many will debate me on this. A hug from Thomas is one of the most comforting bear hugs you will ever receive. Having a bad? Give him a call and tell him you need a hug.

25 - He knows what he likes - Make no mistake this man knows what he does and does not like. He gets a lot of flack from myself and his family for his food choices, but as it turns out he's the healthiest one of all of us.  If he does not like something he is not going to eat it, watch it, participate in it. On the other hand if he really likes something he wants everyone else to know because he knows it makes him happy and he wants to share it with everyone, which is always a good quality!

24 - How excited he gets over anything to do with Felix - Our nephew Felix was born in November of last year, and boy does this uncle LOVE his nephew. He proudly shows off photos that he has on his phone and computer to everyone who will take a look. And he should Felix is the cutest. While he hasn't been around him too much he is also really great with our 4 year old nephew Avery. Every time Avery is on Skype now, he wants to know where Uncle Thomas is.

23 - His nostalgia for things from childhood - Whenever we come across something either at Amoeba or on the internet, that was something he loved from childhood he gets crazy happy, it's adorable. I love it when he shows me something that he loved as a kid.

22 - Protective nature - He is very protective of those that he loves. If someone hurts someone that he loves, you can be sure that he is going to have something to say about it. He's told me stories, I wouldn't piss him off.

21 - His romanticism - When we got together, and for years after, Thomas used to tell me that he didn't know how to be romantic. He was wrong. He may be the most romantic person I've ever met, but then again I'm biased. My 20th birthday was absolute proof of that. I am a very lucky woman to have met a man who has such a big romantic side to him.

20 - Great listener - If you need to vent, this is who you go to. Most of the time he will just let you talk so that you can get things off of your chest, then he'll give you a hug. Sometimes that's all you really need.

19 - Ability to get zoned into a video game - The boy loves video games. Sometimes when he is playing his games, he get so into the zone that you have to say his name 3 or 4 times, louder each time to get him out of it. Some people might find this annoying, I think it's pretty cute because it's something he loves to do.

18 - Doting on our piggies - Last year I called him when I was on the way home from work and informed him that I was on the way home with a guinea pig. I knew he like animals but I had never seen him own one, so I was unsure as to how he would take to them. We now have two and it's safe to say that he loves our little piggies just as much as I do. Our little Lola loves him the most because she gets to chew on his beard.

17 - Enjoys Gordan Ramsay - Enough said.

16 - His best friend is his sister - Thomas and Barbara have a pretty much have one of the best sibling relationships that I've ever seen. They are extremely close and love it when they actually get to spend time together.

15 - Smarty Pants - Incredibly smart and knowledgeable about so many things. Sometimes he surprises me. He knows a lot about architecture which I always find fascinating.

14 - Knowing what it takes to cheer someone he loves up - if you are sad, and you are someone Thomas likes, he will do whatever he can to cheer you up. In the case of myself it's usually showing me tons of pictures of adorable puppies romping in fields or something like that.

13 - A big love bug, who pretends he isn't - Thomas tends to have pretty hard exterior. Once you get to know him, you realize that he is actually a teddy bear, hence the epic hugs. Don't get me wrong he's a pretty tough dude, but he is also one of the most cuddly, caring and loving people I have ever met. While he pretends he doesn't, he actually does like most people.

12 - He's hilarious - Spend two minutes in a room with him. He is funny. And if something isn't funny, he can usually make it funny.

11 - Does his best to pitch in. - It is rare that I have to ask him to do something around the house. Because it's usually already done. I have heard many people complain about their significant other not being willing to pitch in around the house, but I am pretty lucky in that sense. We have a pretty good system when it comes to the cleaning. He's the best organizer around, and I usually handle most of the dusting and surface things. Thomas is a human version of Tetris.

10 - Is pretty handy (because I am not at all) - He can fix things. I cannot. He actually gets use out of the tool box his mom bought us when we moved in together.

09 - His uncanny ability to fall asleep in the weirdest places - While he tends to have some pretty tough issues with insomnia, when he's ready to sleep, this man can sleep anywhere. That is some sort of magic skill. He has been known to fall asleep on rocks.

08 - Amazing with kids - As the person who is marrying him, I love how much he loves kids, and how much they love him. I'll never forget us going to the beach one day and these two little boys decided that he was awesome because they kept throwing their toy cars into the hole they dug in the sand, and Thomas kept getting them for him. He thought it was hilarious.

07 - Solid Work Ethic - Thomas has a had string of jobs that he really has not enjoyed. At each one though he has always put in his full effort to help the place run smoothly. If someone can put their all into a job they don't like, then what kind of work will they do for something they do like? He is with out a doubt one of the hardest workers I have ever met.

06 - He makes amazing french fries - Last year he taught himself how to make french fries at home, and they are the best french fries ever!

05 - Epic DVD collection - Seriously someday we could open a video rental store with how many DVDs he has. He loves them, and keeps track of them in a very well organized spreadsheet, that includes information like the director, and genre I believe. Over 1700 DVDs!!!

04 - He gives no crap about gender roles - We like to joke that in our relationship I'm the guy. Strictly because out of the two of us, I am the one who will be watching the Sunday football game, and drinking beer.

03 - He's talented - He can write, sing, and act and he's not too shabby drawing either. He is a multi-talented human being and that makes him a force to be reckoned with.

02 - Ability to make killer CD's - This must be a Greene trait, but he makes different mixes and CD's. He's only one CD for me personally, which is an awesome playlist, but he has made other playlists for driving which I always enjoyed when we were home.

01 - He's the best friend that anybody can have - Thomas is a very loyal and loving friend. He will love you until you give him a reason not to. Even then he will still fight to keep the friendship alive for as long as he can. If a friend is in need of help is one of the first to be willing to show up and lend a hand. He loves his friends and his family more than anything.

Here's to you Thomas Prescott Greene, for being the best french fry eater and maker, for loving film and film culture, for being an amazing friend, brother and uncle and for always being unapologetically you. I'm so glad you picked me to be your future wifey! I love you more than I can ever tell you, and am so glad you were born! Happy Birthday!!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Body Image Monday - Healthy is the New Skinny

Haven't written one of these in forever! I am excited and slightly anxious for this post. This is a post I have thought about doing for well over a year but have finally mustered up to courage to do so.

In my past blogs I have spoken about loving your body. I think I've talked more about being comfortable enough to just not wear make-up than anything else. But positive body image is so much more than that, you need to be comfortable with your whole self.

Healthy is the New Skinny is a company that is dedicated to encouraging women to love the body they are in by promoting self love. They even have a sweatshirt that reads "operating on self-love." The intent is to show woman that your size and scale number does not matter. The important thing is to love yourself enough to take care of yourself the best way that you can. This includes eating healthily and exercising. But they strive to point out that every human body is different (and that BMI scales are essentially bullshit), and are working towards a goal of getting our media to start sharing this too.

I started following their Instagram account last year. I don't always look at Instagram everyday, but every time I do this is the first account I check. I love the inspiration behind it. I will talk a lot about body positivity, but I am extremely self conscious when it comes to my weight. The other day I put on a dress and it was a little shorter than something I wear on a regular basis. I must have asked my fiance 3 or 4 times before leaving the house if it looked like it was too much. I had shorts underneath and everything was covered, but that didn't matter, and it didn't matter that I looked damn adorable in it either.

Throughout the day I kept thinking people were judging me, when in reality it was all just me. Me being completely self conscious over the only body that I have. Stressing so much that I could barely enjoy my day.

Now I'm not a big person by any means, but I'm also not a tiny person (not including height here) either. I do the best that I can to take care of myself. I try to eat good, healthy, nutrient packed meals and walk when I can. December through April this year I was off work due to an injury sustained on the job, and I gained quite a bit of weight. While I think I've lost some of it, it doesn't stop me from over-analyzing that extra pudge on my belly.

Cut to summer time. I love bikini's, and  I have always loved to wear them. I enjoy trying to get as much sun as possible (don't worry sunscreen is worn!). But I would never let someone post a picture of me in one, and this year in an effort to cover up the weight I had gained while being on leave, I bought a tankini to cover up the offensive extra 10 pounds. Don't get me wrong the swimsuit is cute. But I got it for all the wrong reasons. I bought the swimsuit so as not to risk "offending" others while I'm hanging out at the pool. In reality the only person I was hurting was myself.

I was denying myself an relaxing time laying in the sun by the pool simply because I was afraid of something that I had very little control over. Like I said before I try my best to take care of myself, the best that I know how. There are new lessons every day. Why should I be afraid to put on my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bikini because I am afraid of judgement. Screw that I want my stomach to just as much of a tan as my upper body has!

Finally, I had the boy take this picture yesterday. Why? Because I wanted finally show the world that this is what I look like in a bikini. I am definitely afraid of putting this out there, but I wanted say "hey! This is me. This is my body and I am still learning to love it for everything that it is."

Because life is too short not to enjoy the skin you're in. Because I want girls and women everywhere to embrace their own beauty.

Wanna join me? Throw on your favorite swimsuit (doesn't have to be a bikini) and post it Instagram with the hashtag #girlgang and #healthyisthenewskinny, and join the movement.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Name Change

Hello all! So I've made a few changes. I truly apologize to those of you that do read this blog that I have been horrible about writing. Truth be told up until about April it was painful for me to spend any significant period of time typing. And by significant I mean anything longer than 5 minutes. After that I was feeling pretty lost with the blog because I had written in so long, and I really haven't been sure of the direction I wanted to take things.

 I enjoy writing about the positive happenings from my weeks or days, and promoting positive body image. Recently, some of my friends have suggested that I start a food blog (I make up a lot of random recipes). I am also slightly in love with anything that has to do with fairy tales, and I find most kids movies funnier than most adult movies. Occasionally, when something in the world gets to me I like to speak my piece on it. So, with those pieces of information in mind I decided that I basically wanted to keep things the same, but I wanted/needed the name to reflect me a little more. 

I believe that hope, along with love, are two of the strongest things we have. That no matter how tough life seems to be, true hope will keep you moving towards whatever it is you are working for. Whether that be a new job, a health goal, or something as simple as properly placing that thumb tack to hold up your calendar.

I am going to try this whole blogging thing again. The posts will be similar to the one's I've posted before, but I hope to fearlessly show you my true self the best that I can through the interwebs.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

14 Things I Am Grateful for in 2014

Hello Blogworld! I started this in December and haven't spent a whole lot of time typing on my computer for the last six months.  I've become extremely lazy with this, also been I've working on a stupid neck and shoulder injury, but that's another story. So with that I thought I would like to bring back the 3 Things, that I initially stole from my future sister-in-law, and start if off with the 14 things I am grateful for in 2014, in no particular order.

1 - We're Engaged - Thomas proposed to me on on April 21 of  last year. I was completely shocked, when he asked and could not be more excited to spend the rest of my life with this guy. Your significant other does not necessarily have to be your best friend, but he is mine, and I am excited for the adventures to come.

2 - Felix - My future sister and brother-in-law had their first baby in November, and I could not be more excited. I still haven't met him, but I know I will get to and I can't wait to snuggle that child until he's sick of me. So far I have seen he is one of the most chill babies on the planet.

3 - Going Home - After over a year and half, I got to go home in March of last year. It was a two week visit, and it was very nice. However, being there also solidified that, while Pennsylvania will always be a nice visit for me, but I am perfectly okay never living there again. I always miss my family, but we are so good and staying connected to each other via phone that it doesn't hurt quite so much anymore.

4 - Guinea Pigs - We adopted our first pets this year. Darla and Lola, our guinea pigs. We ended up getting more than we bargained for with them, but they are so much fun. They each have two vastly different personalities, and they have helped me out in more ways than you would think a little rodent ever could.

5 - Holidays with Friends - As we have every year for the past few years, we hosted big Thanksgiving dinner in our apartment. I am always exhausted by the end of it, but it is becoming my favorite day of the year. Our friends Cait and Jewcy hosted a Christmas at their house this year, which was awesome. One it was awesome not having to do much on a holiday, as an adult I'm learning that spending the holidays with friends is more than okay. I'm looking forward to future Christmas's with our friends.

6 - My Grandfather Surviving - In July we nearly lost my grandfather twice. I am very close to him, my aunt, and my grandmother. It was a scary time, but that man is a beast. He pulled through a very difficult situation, and is still with us today. I could not be more thankful for that.

7 - Tough Times as a couple - August started a very rough few months for us, especially financially. I was injured on the job and was in and out of the doctors, and was constantly leaving work early due to severe pain. He was laid of at the end of the month. But through it we realized as a couple how little material things meant to us. At the end of each day we still manage to keep ourselves fed, a roof over our heads, and we have each other. No matter what we can make it.

8 - My brother visiting/then joining the air force - My baby brother was the first of my family members to visit me last year and it was awesome. He wanted to make sure he spent time with me before he went to the airforce so he flew out to LA to visit me, and we flew home together. Siblings are the coolest sometimes.

9 - Coming to an understanding in my own personal faith - This a long story, that may be placed better in it's own blog. For years I have been trying to fully for what exactly it is that I believe. I've known I've believed and God and Jesus, but trying to to follow the way I felt like I was told to was very difficult for me. I have come to terms with how I want to handle it and I am grateful for that. My relationship with God is better than anyone telling me how it should be.

10 - Making the push for acting - While I had to cancel it due to injury I did get an LA Casting account. I was submitting for auditions. Even though I am on hold for right now, it felt really good to finally do it.

11 - Chris moving to LA - A good friend that I had done several shows with in Pennsylvania, made a fairly unplanned move to Los Angeles. I was needless to say selfishly ecstatic. He now lives 15 minutes away from me! Yay Chris!

12 - Staying in a day job for more than a year with no intentions of leaving - I am still at the cupcake place and I still enjoy it. There is only one job I would even consider leaving it for. But the people are wonderful and the company is a legitimately wonderful company!

13 - Became more comfortable with my body - I still have a long way to go with this. However, I have become much more accepting of my self. I am a relatively small person in stature, but I will never be a size two. Never. And that is okay. I want to try to create new projects with  my friends, in order to put all body types out there. I have a few projects up my sleeve to help with that.

14 - My apartment complex - I really like my apartment. They are doing amazing renovations. And it's rent controlled. So basically we are going to stay here forever.

Okay I will try to be better, and start in with Body Image Monday's again. But it happens when it happens. If there is anything in particular you think I should talk about, comment below and we'll see if we can make it happen! Good luck for the next 11 months of 2015 y'all.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Taking Time to Just Be Together

Normally on Monday's I try to write about healthy body image but, I'm in Nevada, and am very emotional. More than I have ever been before being here. I've probably cried at least three times since being here, for happy and sad reasons. No one has really seen it, I'm a crier, but I don't typically like to cry in front of people. But the reason I am writing this is because I think, that this has been my favorite trip here so far. Because for several reasons, we have had so much time to just be.

As I have said before, I love my family. All of them and they're all very spread out, so I have to make visits to many places. Every time I go somewhere, we are all trying to make these big plans of what we are going to do, in order to get the most out of the always, short time that we have. This trip was different, and I couldn't have loved it more.

My Gramps is still healing from his lung collapse and will be for awhile, so he has to take it very easy, and he needs someone to watch out for him during the day time. Going into this trip I knew there would be plenty of down time, while I didn't fully realize just how much, I was perfectly fine with it. First, downtime not due to injury was fantastic, second, I got to really just hang out with my aunt and grandparents. I got to just be in the same room as them. With everything that has happened I think that was something I at least, really needed.

The second I got off the plane I was looking around and smiling. When I saw my aunt, and then hugged her it was everything I had to not be the big pile of mush that I am. The joy was just exploding from my heart. If I wouldn't have looked like a fool I would have been dancing all over the place. I almost did.

Most of this trip was sitting around watching TV and taking naps. My aunt and I went out to eat a few times, but this was really just about being in each others company. We had conversation, about random odds and ends, but the feeling I have when with any members of my family (both mine and his) is almost on a spiritual level. We are able to just sit in the same room as each other and feel the love that is so very present. Talk about life, and whatever we are watching. It is truly beautiful.

Making the most out of visits is important, but it doesn't mean that you must be on the go the whole time, trying to create memories. Sometimes the best memories are made when you allow yourself to just be with each other, cherish the time you have, because it always comes to an end, and your regular life has to start again. So while you can, just love on each other, and know that you will see them again soon.