Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Burning Love (or eyes for that matter)

This has nothing to do with the challenge. But rather some helpful information if you ever find yourself doing something as stupid as I did today. I made my self a BLT for lunch and decided to put fresh Jalapenos on it, then I didn't wash my hands...then I touched my eye...word to the wise or unwise in this case - ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CUTTING ANY KIND OF HOT PEPPER! So After this Happened I decided to look up a few tricks on how to treat it quickly and effectively, because the way handled it, could have gone better. Shoving your face under the faucet and pouring cold water into your eyes makes it worse at first, just FYI. My eye is still pretty foggy, but I feel like that's to be expected after rubbing chili pepper juice into your eye, under your contact.

Also if you're going to cut jalapenos, don't be a hero, wear gloves. Because you can burn your skin too. If you don't have gloves available to you, rub oils such as vegetable, olive, or canola oil on your hand to help keep some of the oils out until you're done cutting. And REALLY wash your hands after you're done. Possibly even with something other than water.

Fun fact capsaicin oil in jalapenos is what causes that terrible burning sensation. And it is not soluble in water.

1 - Take a Shot glass of milk and hold it up to your eye.
This makes a lot of sense since they tell you to drink milk when you eat something too spicy.

2 - For your skin, rub lemon or lime juice, the citric acid helps break down the the capsaicin.

3 - Alcohol - if it's on your skin feel free to use rubbing alcohol. But if your mouth is on fire this may be when that bottle of Jose you've had in your cupboard comes in  handy! Swishing it around will kill the oils.

4 - Cold Compresses - again not water but the cold will eventually draw out the heat.

5 - Here's a weird one - Toothpaste - again for your skin - please don't put tooth past in your eye, that is just all kinds of bad idea.

6 - Saline Solution - for those of us that wear contacts this is good to know, switch from blinking to flushing your eye with the saline for at least 30 minutes.

So for the eyes there seem to be only three real solutions; milk, saline, and water if the you don't have the other two available to you. But like I said before it's better to just not be a hero period and wear gloves while you're cutting hot peppers. Otherwise you end up practically hanging up on someone, and cursing like a sailor, while yelling at your confused boyfriend to shut off the bacon.

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