Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lady Day

So I'm on day two, and so far it hasn't been too much of a challenge to find the positive sides of my days. Today was not by any means a bad day. When I got home from I had previously picked what I was going to write about, which included IHOP and bus seats. However, upon logging on to the internet I came across Huffposts article, addressing Texas state senate passing House Bill 2. While I am admitably, terrible about keeping up with what is happening in the world, (I'm trying to get better, I swear) this upset me. While I am not a feminist, or activist by any stretch of the imagination. I am a woman, who genuinely loves being a woman, and believe or not I actually am capable of deciding what is best for my body.


So Day 2 is going to talk about the ladies that were positive influences on me today!

Amanda -  Until this week I have never really spent any length of time with Amanda, it was pretty cool, and sad when they left, because she is a pretty awesome person all around. It was fun to actually get to know her a little. If I keep going, I am going to get off track here. Anyway talking to Amanda this morning about exercising and working out and all of the fun healthy stuff, which really is fun when you're regularly doing it, inspired me to start working out again. She is a pretty committed athlete, which I admire. So first thing tomorrow I'm getting up and going for a swim!

Natalie - This girl. She gets me in oh so many ways. We have the same sense of humor which is awesome for me, because well, I'm not ashamed...I'm kind of a dork. But of one of the things I love the most about Natalie is that she is just herself all the time. After work we just got to sit enjoy each others company and crack jokes. For at least fifteen minutes of that half hour, I spent it laughing. I left work smiling and in a great mood.

As a cat and then real Natalie, both equally pretty.

Melody - The lady I can easily call my best friend these days! We finish each others sentences, it's kind of creepy. Today in talking about getting things like headshots done and all of that fun "you need to do this in order to be an actor stuff," Mel is one of the few who will be discouraged by a few minor set backs from chasing her dream of becoming an actress. And that right there was enough for me to get an energy boost!

All three of these ladies have so much more to tell, but today I just focused on what inspired me specifically on this day, as this challenge is for me to find something during each day, that inspires me or helps with a positive attitude. I will say after Day 2 I am enjoying it! Feel free to join me, if you don't have a blog, do it in Notes on Facebook. For thirty straight days find at least one thing out of that day that you liked, it doesn't matter how big or small, and share a little something about it. Because as I in my first blog no day is ever all bad, there will always be at least one reason to smile.

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