Monday, July 29, 2013

Good things come to those who wait...and pray.

So today started out earlier than I've been used to for quite some time. We had an 8:30 a.m. meeting for the restaurant I work for which lasted about three hours. They made it up to us by serving us Einsteins Bagels and coffee, which is one of my favorite places in the universe, so even though I'm a grumpy morning person I forgave them. I didn't want to have to leave my house at 7:00 or 7:15 to get there because well lets face then I would have had to get up at like 6:15 and I was just not having it. And unfortunately Lyft doesn't open until 9:00 on Sundays. So I tried Uber ridesharing, and it was equally awesome. It was just a good way to start my day. Also it was free because I found a promo code.

 For a few weeks now I have been on a hunt for a new job, not to leave my current one, but at least to have a second income to help alleviate some of the, stress. I was getting impatient looking for openings that met my qualifications.. A friend had told me to try, I'd heard of it but never really thought of it before. Within a few days I found a job that I wanted to apply for and I put in all my info, resume, you know the whole schpeel. Anyway I prayed about it a lot, and finally I got a phone interview today and it went amazingly! Still have another interview or two to go through, but the guy wanted to hire me just of our phone conversation!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the PROPER TIME we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

I am doing a fourteen day devotional right now called "Ending Your Day Right." The above was today's verse. Everything in it's own time will fall into place, and I am slowly and trying to patiently learn that, it's an interesting little journey so far.

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