Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tuesday Healthventures! Tea and Banana's

Okay let me preface this by stating the obvious. I am not an expert, nor am I going to pretend to be. This segment is strictly about me finding out what has worked for my body. If it works for you too then great!

About three weeks ago, I made the decision to say goodbye to a very dear friend. Starbucks. See, I loved coffee, and I could have had anywhere from one to three cups a day, which isn't as bad as some, but worse than others. But I pretty much always started off my morning with a cup.

Now let me back track. At the end of May this year I was informed that I will basically be living with chronic migraines. At 24, it's pretty damn irritating to deal with, and I now have to take a pill every night to combat them. So I have been on a mission to search for natural ways of combating these horrible, horrible things, because I hate taking pills. I hate the idea of putting something unnatural in my body.

Back to the coffee. Every morning when I woke up I would have my cup, I was convinced I needed that jolt to get me going for the day. I was still having headaches every week if not multiple times a week. I was in a constant state of migraine. I was increasing my coffee intake with the headaches believing that the caffeine would help, which it did to an extent. One morning after and very busy weekend, where for some reason or another I hadn't had any coffee at all, I woke up and realized that I wasn't dizzy, didn't have a headache, and hadn't had even a cup of coffee in three days. Caffeine is a trigger.

I decided to take a week to test out this theory, and just not drink anything caffeinated what so ever for the rest of the week. Sure enough, not a single dizzy spell.

As of late instead of drinking my cup of joe in the morning I am now in the habit of having a cup of tea to put me to sleep at night. A routine I am growing quite fond of. But I also needed something to boost me in the mornings, so I did some research and hear are too things that I now do every morning.

Peppermint Tea - First it's supposed to really help ease migraine pain. I put it to the test today and it does. I had one coming on, and it pretty much kicked it. But it also helps with things like digestive health, and helps to ease nausea and other unpleasant things caused by stomach malfunctions. It also helps relax the muscles, which is why I believe this has started to become part of my morning routine. I am usually super tense when I wake up, even if I'm in a good mood, I'm just not a morning person. I like sleep. But this tea helps to relax me, but not so much that I want to sleep. Just enough so I feel ready for my day.

Bananas - I have loved this fruit since I was a kid, and it is my morning staple now. One reason first if I don't have time to have a full breakfast, a banana fills me up just fine, and gives me an awesome energy boost. But seriously this is like the best fruit of all time...well these and avocados. Check out this link. It completely blew my mind. I always have a banana in my purse or lunch box now!

Okay that's all for this week! Next week, we'll talk smoothies...and no, not the shakes you make from a can, or packet.

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