Friday, December 20, 2013

3 Things (Wednesday) -, Conversational Kids, Opening up

1 - So recently I have discovered the glory that is It is a website about just really post videos promoting good things happening in the world. Sometimes those videos can be depressing when you hear someones story, but for the most part is shows someone doing something good, or saying something uplifting. In light of so many negative, gross, hateful things that happen every day it's great to see someone focusing on positive things, we really do need more of this. The link below is the video that was my favorite today.

"Nobody gets to be you but you." - Neil Gaiman

2 - Tonight at work, a little girl came up to window, with her mom. She just had to tell us about her American Girl doll, and how she had picked out the glasses, the outfit, and shoes herself. To make it better she did not match her doll (I find it annoying when they dress like their dolls), but the doll had a completely different outfit. Back to the point, she was so excited to tell strangers about this awesome thing she had just done. She also made it a big point to get her brother, dad and friend a cupcake. On my home I started to think about this little girl, what if we were all more like this? More open, less afraid to just be who we are, in essence like kids. I feel like when we're growing up and finding ourselves, we also lose ourselves a bit in trying to fit in societal standards. I want to be more like that little girl. Maybe people wouldn't hate on each other so much if we a little more open. Some people may think this is a naive way of thinking, but I think those people are usually the who are afraid to be who they really are.

3 - This one kind of applies to the one above - I have been working at the cupcake shop for about two and a half months now, and tonight was the first night I think that I really opened up and just let myself be who I am. I am weird, and usually for no reason, I am okay with that, but for some reason I wasn't letting that out. It felt good. I'm going to be afraid of that anymore!

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