Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goals for the 2014

So first let me just say...holy cow where did time go?! I cannot believe that 2014 is here already, and that I survived 2013, it was a very strange, stressful, and wonderful year. That being said last year I only set one goal for myself and I now deem it pathetic and worldly, and it was to lose weight. I did not succeed in this goal. Okay that's not true, I did back and forth several times I've fluctuated between the same ten pounds all year. But I would get so stressed out over not losing the weight, or what "being healthy" meant that I really was going down a bad path. Almost self destructive in a way.

I was obsessed with the idea of being skinny, and not model skinny, but skinnier than I am now.  For awhile all I talked about was the gym, and I started doing Herbalife nutrition supplements, tried to become a vegetarian, and set unrealistic "fitness goals" for myself, which I never achieved and then became depressed when I didn't achieve them. Which here starts off my list of goals for 2014;

1- This year I'm taking a different spin on being healthy, and actually learning how to be healthy. Introducing myself to new foods, and cutting out processed food! The words low fat do not mean a damned thing if there are no vegetables and a ton of preservatives in the stuff. This year I am going to teach myself how to really cook, and how get the best nutrients I can out of juicing fresh veggies and fruit. Thanks to my boyfriends mom that is going to be breeze.

Also in steps to being more healthy, sleeping habits. Actually having them. I started on a really good path this summer, where I would make myself tea, grab a book and read before going to bed. That is going to happen again. I slept so much better then. Also with that. I will not sleep past 10 anymore unless I was up until 5:00 a.m. for some reason the night before. Massive sleeping in days are over because it always keeps me awake at night. So here's to a happier, healthier, well rested 2014.

2 - Learn Spanish - I live in LA, it needs to happen. Plus I have a giant set to learn. I am going to learn spanish.

3 - Relearn Sign Language - Once upon a time I could actually hold conversations with the deaf. Now forget about it, I can spell and that's about it. This year I will become fluent in both languages!

4 - Watch one new movie per week - I want to be an actress. Yet I am horribly lacking in film knowledge. My boyfriend however is a film fiend, which is one of the things I love about him! I think this goal will help me know more about the industry I so desire to become a part of.

5 - Read One book per month - Since the discovery of the internet, social media, smart phones, and all of those things, books have almost become a thing of the past. I love to read so this is a sad, sad fact of my life. Less internet, more books!

6 - Go Home - I have not been to Pennsylvania since July 2012...enough said. It's happening.

7 - Get Head Shots - This is getting done. No more putting things off! Time to fight for the career I want.

8 - Less Smart Phone more guy time - I am one of those people that is always on their phones. Even when I am with people. I want to spend more quality time with people, especially my guy, without having my phone be a distraction. Challenge accepted.

9 - Accepting my body - I was really mean to myself mentally this year. I became really depressed over the way I looked. Convinced myself that I will never work, because in the industry I am considered fat. While by societal standards I could stand to lose a few pounds, I am learning to love myself the way I am. I am already a great deal down this path but still have ways to go. Having a boyfriend who constantly reinforces that helps a lot too! He really is wonderful.

10 - Spend one hour or less mindlessly surfing the net - Again internet is an issue. I will sometime sit and stare a facebook for hours, procrastinating on things that I could actually be doing, like reading, going for a walk, cooking, something! I think this will make me realize that I have a lot more time in my life, than I think I do.

11 - Read my Bible everyday - This is a hard one for any Christian, but it can be done! I started a Chronological reading plan months ago and did really well with it for about a month...then I failed. Time to get back on the horse. I want to know what God is saying!

12 - Take an Acting Class - Yes this was my whole college career, but I could use a brush up for sure!

Alright 2014, bring it on! I'm ready!

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