Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Top Ten Favorite Carrie Underwood Songs Part 1

So a long time ago I said I would write a top ten Carrie Underwood list well, well I finally finished the first half. It's not long I just kept putting it off. Also in light of recent event's (The Sound of Music) and how unnecessarily mean people were about her performance I wanted to write this little bit to show some support for Carrie. So without further ado I give you part one. Part two to follow tomorrow. I swear.

10 - Jesus Take the Wheel - This is the first song I heard from Carrie Underwood. If you've been listening to her since the beginning, it's probably the first one you heard as well. This is the song that hooked me and made me say "I need to listen to more!" So that, beyond the fact that this song reminds you where you should turn when things are getting tough, is why it makes the top ten for Carrie.

09 - The More Boys I Meet - This song first is just fun, but during some crappy times with guys in my life I would crank this song up to make myself feel better. Because there definitely was a point where I felt this exact way. When the boy and I went through one of our break up stints, and it seemed like every time I met a guy he was a big giant doucher, who only wanted to get in my pants. Which I was 21 and in college, so no big shock right? But I definitely, would always want to cuddle up with my dog Lucky who was back home in PA, but this song cheered me up and made me laugh every time I listened to it.

08 - Mama's Song - I admittedly never really listen to this song because I cry every single time. Every. Single. Time. My mom and I have a loving, but complicated relationship. Growing up I was Mama's little girl and never wanted to leave her side. When Thomas and I started dating, things started to become strained, I would pass on some of my immediate family events to go to his family events or to go see him. My priorities were changing, and whether she will admit it or not, that was hard for my mom to deal with. This song came out and I played it for her one night and we listened to it and cried together. My mom drives me nuts sometimes, but she supposed to isn't she? That's the mothers duty! But she will never lose me. And I found what she wanted for me.

07 - I Ain't In Checotah Anymore - I moved from a town much like the one describe in this song. So this one sticks with me, I now live in L.A. and where ever I end up, will be another city. This song to me, also shows a bit of Carrie's personality in her song. Small town girl, who is loving big city life, but misses her roots. That is me in a nutshell. I come from a one stop light town, literally, and some of the things described in this song are exactly how I feel living in LA sometimes. Especially working at the Grove. "You can get anything you want here, except a Walmart store." There is a Walmart here, but you might die if you go to it. I miss the simple things in small town life, but I do love the city.

06 - Change - The beginning of this song get's more than anything because this is how I feel every time I see a homeless person in LA. The message in this song just tells you basically how I feel about life. The smallest thing can make a difference. A conversation, a smile, that dime in your pocket can be the difference in someone having even just a hot dog from seven eleven that night. Another reason I love Carrie, she makes songs like this and it shows that she really is a genuine person.

Now I enjoy all of these songs for vastly personal reasons, but I think that is great. I think that as a singer you need to be able to touch your listeners, music should have a message, which is something lacking these days. Plus the girl is a great belter!

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