Friday, December 20, 2013

Top Ten Carrie Underwood Songs Part 2

Continuing on;

05 - Look At Me - As much as he doesn't like country, when the boy and I get married, this is playing at some point. This song pretty much exemplifies what I feel every time I look at him. Yes even when I'm mad at him. It has been this way since the second I realized I was in love with him, which wasn't long after we met. I appreciate this so much more I think because up until the past two and half years, our relationship was NOT easy, and I heard this song for the first time shortly after he and I reignited our relationship, and I cried because it was so true. Sometimes when I look at him this song just plays in my head.

04 - Play On - Yay Carrie for having inspirational songs with a good tune. This one is about moving on from things that are already over. I have a hard time with moving on from anything. With people, I always want to believe that friendships last forever, and am heartbroken when I realize they won't. I hate it when I'm doing a show and it ends, it feels like someone has ripped part me away. I dwell on my mistakes, hardcore, I agonize over every detail, and never let it go inwardly. This song reminds me that yes, these things are hard, but you have to keep moving, eventually you move on and grow from the experience.

03 - Crazy Dreams - This song is me. It's about chasing your dreams no matter how crazy they may seem to anyone else. I want to be an actress. I get told I'm crazy about three to four times a month. It's really annoying. I love this song because she tells you to chase them because even crazy dreams come true with some effort. I haven't even started to audition yet because of a few obstacles that I keep running into. Also it's terrifying to actually chase your dreams, but this song is one that makes me feel like anything is possible. When ever I feel like throwing in the towel I listen to this song and remember that it will happen!

02 - Nobody Ever Told You - This was originally at number 3, but I moved it up because it deserves a higher spot. Really it could number one too. This song is about telling girls they are beautiful, to get rid of the make-up, you don't need, you are gorgeous the way you are. Body image is something I struggle with greatly. This past year I obsesses about my weight and I think that it made me gain more weight, because I was depressed with how I looked in the mirror. But I'm starting to realize that what I see isn't necessarily what other people see. I heard this song, I thought it was the perfect song to remind us that we don't need some societal standard to tell us we are beautiful. We already are.

01 - Lessons Learned - It's another song about being able to move on from one thing or another. However, this one reminds you that everything you have gone through has taught you something. My childhood from the age of 11 to 18 was not the easiest, it wasn't the worst either, but it wasn't easy either. I have gone through several things in my short adult life that have brought me to my knee's, but I am thankful for every single thing that has happened, because it has shaped me into the person that I am. I wouldn't change that for the world.

So thank you Carrie Underwood, you will probably never see this, but your songs (especially these) have influenced my life in more ways you can imagine.

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