Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Slow days, bus conversations, and hot chocolate

Okay so in starting to write again, I am going to attempt try my (or Barbara's rather) three postive things about my day again.

1 - Slow days at work - I love the place I work now, I mean LOVE it. It is so much fun and the people I work with are genuinely nice people. It is a very busy location, so I don't always have time to really bond with my coworkers. Tonight we were extremely slow, and while we continued to try to find things work related to do, it was a fun night, because we all just had fun conversations, and got to goof around a little more than the usual, it was definitely a bonding night.

2 - Bus conversations - I take the bus to work. On the way home tonight, I was playing with my phone which is the norm, cause smart phones. An older man sitting beside me politely and very sweetly asked me if that was the internet on my phone (I was on Facebook), to which I replied that it was, we had a small conversation about the way phones had changed, then stopped, and I started going back to my phone. Then it hit me, that my phone was taking up too much of my attention, so I locked it put it away and started up a conversation with the gentleman again. He got off the bus shortly after, but it was nice to put my technology away even for a second to connect with another person. This usually happens when I take a book and am reading, that I need to do more of.

3 - Hot chocolate - I headed to the grove an hour and half before my shift tonight to get some Christmas shopping done. Now I don't care what anyone else says, fifty degrees in LA is cold. There is something about it here that makes it that much colder. But I digress, I was cold and was going to be outside, so I wanted something warm to drink. I don't drink coffee anymore, so hot chocolate is becoming a love of mine, especially this winter. So I found a little place inside the Farmers Market, it was probably the best hot chocolate ever, I don't know what was different, but it was great. It really made my night, and it made the shopping thing so much more enjoyable.

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