Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Old books, Dog's dressed up like Santa, People helping each other.

1 - Old Books - So you might think I'm weird because of this, as I was getting off the bus today, I got a sudden whiff of something very sweet and familiar. It took me back to being in the library in elementary school, and the excitement I had over reading. There was a man reading an older paperback book. I don't know what the title was, but the pages were yellowed and the print was small, and I could smell it just walking past him, it made me extremely happy.

2 - Santa Dogs - Again I love my job. So the bakery I work at sells cupcakes that are dog friendly. Well today they had a promotion going, and if you brought your dog dressed as Santa (or just dressed) your pup, got a free puppy cupcake! We actually didn't have as many as we would have liked to have seen, but I saw THREE bulldogs dressed as Santa. Week made.

3 - So this kind of diverts to my blog about Christmas. Today I got to witness a few people reaching out to someone else and it warmed my heart to see that not everyone in LA is heartless and unfeeling. I was on the bus home (lots of things happen on the bus) I was sitting across from an older gentlemen and he had few bags full of canned food, and other food items. Somehow he dropped all of the contents in his three bags, just a stroke of bad luck really. What was cool is that everyone that was around him, including myself, immediately started to help him pick everything up, all he had to do was hold the bags open. It was something so simple, but I think people take for granted how much an action like that can impact someone. It was a great note to end the night on.

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