Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Three things for Yesterday - Titanic, Electric Reindeer, and Once Mid-Season Finale

1 - Titanic - This movie is so wonderfully, brilliantly awful, and fantastic at the same time. It really is the epitome of "chick flick." The dialogue makes me want to smack James Cameron, I mean come on, how many times can Jack and Rose seriously say each others names in the same conversation? The overall story of the movie is very touching, I cry every single time Rose realizes Jack is dead. Also part of the enjoyment of this, is my boyfriend's groaning reaction to me watching it, then laughing at me for crying, I'm also laughing at myself, cause this movie really is bad, but I love it so much! It also inspired me to research Titanic again, just to really know what it's about, and remember that it wasn't just a love gooey love story. It happened.

2 - Electric Reindeer Wine - So I wrote about World Market last week, and how amazing it was. One of my purchases was a cheap wine called Electric Reindeer. Obviously I picked it due to the Christmas theme. To add to my cliche of being a girl last night while was watching Titanic, I decided to have a glass of Red Wine. This is probably the best cheap wine I have ever had! If not for the adverse effects it would have had, I would have had the whole bottle! By adverse I mean, I would have been a drunky pants, and quite frankly I'm not about that these days. But it was actually pretty good, and you could tell it was a cheap wine, which I found charming but, it didn't make me gag. Plus it's a cab. Can't really go wrong there in my mind.

3 - Once Upon a Time Mid Season Finale - Oh. My. Goodness. I had so many feelings, I laughed a few times, I yelled at the screen, and I cried...a lot. Season three of Once has been on the slow side, and the episode 10 of the season was not good. But last night I watched the mid-season finale, and boy oh boy did they redeem themselves. Regina is my favorite character, there is no doubt about that, so in the final scene, when most of the emotional stuff was happening revolved and relied on her story, I was a mess! I'm not going to say too much just in case anyone else watches the show.

So yeah a lot of crying happening yesterday, but all over things that I loved.

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